Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Do You Have Three Minutes To Learn Something New? - Burlington Blog Update (Edition 16)

The post below is actually a copy of a weekly e-mail that I send to our staff  to promote our Burlington Public Schools Blog which shares the great work going on across our school district. I also try to give a quick technology tip/resource that I think would be useful. It is the 16th post in the series.

Do You Have Three Minutes To Spare?

I know how thin educators are stretched in regards to their free time. However, I also know there some great tools out there that can be integrated with very little background knowledge. Thankfully, Craig Badura has started his "Learn it 3 With Me" Series to help busy educators learn about some of these resources. 

His first three-minute video (embedded below) highlights Kahoot, a classroom response game that students love. Some BPS Staff are already using Kahoot, so take three minutes and join them.

Another PD Opportunity to Increase Your Google Skills

Cambridge Public Schools is hosting Googlepalooza on February 19 which is the Thursday of vacation week.  Here is the link to the site for more information. Please e-mail Rosemary if you would like to attend and we will cover the cost. 

Burlington Blog Update

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