Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Let's Share More Student Work At #BPSCHAT - Burlington Blog Update (Edition 20)

The post below is actually a copy of a weekly e-mail that I send to our staff  to promote our Burlington Public Schools Blog which shares the great work going on across our school district. I also try to give a quick technology tip/resource that I think would be useful. It is the 20th post in the series.

Share Your Student Work By Tagging It To #BPSCHAT

While it is great to see the growing number of staff sharing information on our district twitter hashtag, it would be awesome to see everyone sharing some of the great work by students on the district hashtag. I have embedded a few examples of what this could like below. Please share pictures and or posts at #bpschat or feel free to e-mail me photos to share from the district twitter account. If you have any questions, feel free to touch base. 

A quick look at our BPS Facebook Page in 2015

We have been pretty active in using our district Facebook page to get out information to our followers there. One of the nice things about having the Burlington Public Schools Facebook Like Page is that there are a number of analytics that allow us to see which posts are most popular with followers. Having this type of feedback is great because it allows us to get a grasp of what type of things our followers like to see on the page. 

As we look back at the first three months of 2015, the posts with the most likes have been those announcing the cancellation of school due to snow. All of these posts received between 2,000 and 3,000 views. However, the one post unrelated to a snow day that also approached this was a great post from Memorial Principal Deb Dressler last week highlighting the "We are all MEMORIAL"  initiative started by two fifth graders.

Heartwarming story at Memorial School! - "WE are all MEMORIAL" http://bit.ly/1ELDYCe #bpschat #edchatma #stuvoice
Posted by Burlington Public Schools on Saturday, March 28, 2015 

Burlington Blog Update
With two-thirds of the school year behind us, there Only 57 more posts to go...

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