Tuesday, April 7, 2015

BPS Evaluation Update - Spring 2015

This post first appeared on the BPS Evaluation Site


As we head towards April vacation and the final two months of the school year, we wanted to provide an update on some of the upcoming dates on our Teacher Evaluation calendar. For our PTS teachers (on two-year self-directed plans) April 15 is the due date for the following: evidence of meeting each of the "Great Eight Standards," and progress on attaining professional practice and student learning goals as well as evidence supporting each of the the "Great Eight."

Please utilize the "Great Eight" Evidence Support Document to see some of the examples of things that could be utilized. Please understand that this is just a partial list that we are adding to as we move forward. 

Finally, remember that we are looking for quality and not quantity when it comes to evidence. Just 2-3 for each of the "Great Eight" is sufficient along with evidence that you are making progress on attaining your student learning and professional practice goals is sufficient. It is expected that teachers will share artifacts with their evaluators in Teach Boost and/or Google Drive.

Please direct questions on the process to Patrick Larkin or Diana Marcus.

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