We need to be teaching this to all students
From The Network for Public Education
A look at the plan being unveiled by Baltimore County Public Schools to transform the way students learn: "BCPS is first redesigning curriculum in the core content areas to redefine what instruction will look like in a blended learning environment, while placing a stronger emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills."
An interesting read..
Enjoying articles and books by Will Richardson...he is right on the mark. https://t.co/eCZxx0odBY
We need to face this quiet epidemic as a country... https://t.co/qx2uXV3lHf
Dan Meyer's presentation from NCTM 2016
Great post from Peter Greene on Teacher Evaluation and the misguided attempts to do this well.
Can you address the key indicators of a culture of excellence and steps to establishing that culture for a school?
Too for research which integrates with Google Drive - via Richard Byrne
Great post by Karl Fisch on the true cost of standardized testing.
From iNACOL - School leaders find once they begin to optimize their instructional models using anytime, anywhere learning, state policies that reinforce seat time become a barrier to innovative approaches delivering highly-personalized learning experiences for all students.
Combine recent findings in behavioral economics, breakthroughs in brain science, a touch of armchair philosophy and a healthy dose of pop psychology, and a new business truism arises: Appeal to customers’ reason and they’re yours for a day. Appeal to customers’ emotions and they’re yours for a lifetime.
- "When people type their notes they have this tendency to try to take verbatim notes and write down as much of the lecture as they can," Mueller tells NPR's Rachel Martin. "The students who were taking longhand notes in our studies were forced to be more selective — because you can't write as fast as you can type. And that extra processing of the material that they were doing benefited them."
- Generative notetaking pertains to "summarizing, paraphrasing, concept mapping," while nongenerative notetaking involves copying something verbatim.
- Because people can type faster than they write, using a laptop will make people more likely to try to transcribe everything they're hearing. So on the one hand, Mueller and Oppenheimer were faced with the question of whether the benefits of being able to look at your more complete, transcribed notes on a laptop outweighs the drawbacks of not processing that information
- "But they are developing lots of technologies now like Livescribe and various stylus and tablet technologies that are getting better and better. And I think that will be sort of an easier sell to college students and people of that generation."
Some studies have illustrated quite clearly that kids do better when they have a say in their choices. Bruce Feiler, author and New York Times columnist, tried it in the form of "family meetings" where the kids could decide their own rewards and punishments for their behavior and accomplishments during the previous week.
The blogging space of the Burlington Public Schools Assistant Superintendent for Learning
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