Tuesday, March 19, 2013

BPS Tech Advisory Committee To Meet Next Week

The initial meeting of our district's Technology Advisory Committee will take place next Tuesday (March 26) at 2:30 at the high school.  This group, which will be comprised of parents, students, staff, and community members is being formed to provide feedback on various issues regarding technology integration in our school system.

As the technological landscape changes at an amazing pace, it is important that we include all stakeholders in the exciting conversations we will be involved in. In addition, we hope to expand our technology education offerings beyond our monthly Parent Technology nights to support even more individuals in our community. This group will play an important role in helping our district expand our collaborative and educational efforts in this area.

All our welcome to attend these meetings and offer their input. In addition, we will share a summary of what is discussed to ensure that interested individuals who cannot attend can remain in the loop.

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