Friday, April 17, 2015

BEF Grant Brings More "Stability" To Learning In Mrs. Olshaw's Classroom

Mrs. Olshaw's classroom at Memorial School was recently awarded a grant from the Burlington Education Foundation to purchase Stability Balls for the classroom as a replacement for traditional chairs.

The grant proposal which was created by Mrs. Olshaw and her students had the following goal:

Our goal is to supply each child in the classroom with a stability ball. The use of Stability Balls in the classroom is not a new phenomenon, they are a proven to be a successful tool for decreasing out-of-seat behavior while increasing achievement, engagement, and focus in the classroom. Stability balls also provide a health benefit as well. As posture improves from working the core muscles, calories are burned with the constant movement by the body's natural kinesthetic energy .

The students in Mrs. Olshaw's classroom have noticed a difference already and feel that they are more productive in their new "seats." 

Check out a few more pictures of some of the students below. For more on stability balls in the classroom, check out this link from LiveStrong.

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